Complete your cryostat system

Every cryostat includes a Lake Shore temperature controller and calibrated sensor.

Optional add-on
MeasureLINK software enables a wide range of capabilities, including charting and logging, system monitoring with a cryostat-specific process view, and controlling Lake Shore equipment as well as third-party instrumentation. No programming required—drag-and-drop to create temperature sweeps, access measurements, and see real-time internal cryostat temperatures in process view.

Optional add-on
The Lake Shore M81-SSM provides highly synchronized DC, 100 kHz AC, and mixed DC + AC sourcing and measuring—including both voltage and current lock-in measurement capabilities—for low-temperature material research performed in your cryostat. It supports up to three remote-mountable source and three measure modules per single M81-SSM-6 instrument and, owing to its modularity, allows signal and source amplifiers to be located as close as possible to the sample being characterized. This minimizes the signal wiring to the sample, reduces noise, and increases measurement sensitivity. Also available: the NEW SMU-10 AC + DC + lock-in source measure module.

Optional add-on
Continuous flow cryostats can be combined with Infinite Helium for fully cryogen-free operation throughout the entire temperature range. This enables unattended cryostat operation, ideal for extended-duration measurements.