
Infinite Helium

Infinite Helium


Infinite Helium features

  • Fully automated—no manual valve adjustments
  • <2.2 K base temperature
  • Low thermal drift
  • Low-vibration
  • 6 months+ continuous run time
  • Automated safety alerts
  • User-intuitive touchscreen interface


Automatically detects flow rate for optimized tuning in correlation to heat load for the lowest base temperature.

Fully characterize your cryostat environment with automated data collection via our MeasureLINK software.

Comprehensive sample mapping
Lake Shore — environment by JANIS

Introducing Infinite Helium—an automated solution that makes your LHe cryostat cryogen‑free. Infinite Helium innovatively circulates helium in a closed loop, enabling your continuous flow cryostat to operate without constant helium replenishment. Designed with adaptability in mind, Infinite Helium seamlessly integrates with your existing or new continuous flow cryostats to enable cryogen-free operation. While it’s commonly paired with our ST‑500 cryostat for microscopy, ST‑400 cryostat for UHV/beamline applications, and ST‑FTIR or ST‑NMR cryostats, its compatibility extends across our entire range of continuous flow cryostats. Automation features further reduce user error, simplifying the cooldown process and valve adjustments, ensuring consistent and optimal performance.


Reduce user error with automated valve adjustments and safety checks to recover from faults.


Push measurement boundaries down to <2.2 K base temperature.


Consistency is key. Ensure replicable microscopy measurements with <2 nm vibration 5 Hz and above.


No more adjusting valves and constantly having to keep an eye on cooldown and runtime operations. Hands-on operation is reduced from hours to seconds. Infinite Helium offers very easy operation and eliminates the learning curve associated with complex recirculating cooling systems.

An automated system, Infinite Helium is simplicity at its best. Samples can be exchanged easily without warming up the system, allowing for fast turnaround times. Plus, you experience smooth, worry-free operation with the system. It can operate for extended periods—up to 6 months or longer—without requiring servicing (other solutions may need to be serviced as often as every couple of weeks). No service costs or frequent interruptions to your experiments or lab operations.

Infinite Helium auto mode interface

A single button controls system cooldown and adjusts valves automatically, allowing you to be up and running fast.



Infinite Helium automates the entire recirculation process. The valve automation process takes away all of the guesswork. Plus, it comes with Lake Shore MeasureLINK™ software for full system control as well as easy integration with other Lake Shore lab cooling and measurement instrumentation. MeasureLINK enables you to construct an experiment by selecting a sequence of pre-written functional steps to control temperature and collect data—and no programming required.


Cooling power goes beyond one number. We offer a comprehensive view of cooling power against heat load, so you can ascertain the baseline temperature possible with your sample. With Infinite Helium and your cryostat, it’s possible to attain temperatures <2.2 K with cooling power of 450 mW at 5 K.* Two models are available, Infinite Helium and Infinite Helium Plus.
*Preliminary results; ST-500