Lake Shore Cryotronics will be demonstrating the unique measurement capabilities of its MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system and other material characterization platforms at next week’s MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibition in Seattle.
The M81-SSM, which provides highly synchronized DC, 100 kHz AC, and mixed DC + AC sourcing and measuring for researchers exploring the properties of electrical materials, will be on display showing actual voltage, current, and resistance measurements being performed.
Highly adaptable for a range of material research applications, the extremely low-noise M81-SSM system ensures synchronized measurements from 1 to 3 source channels and from 1 to 3 measure channels per half-rack instrument. Plus, it offers very fast data sampling and streaming, and higher sensitivity for lock-in detection — particularly when characterizing low-power or low-resistance devices.
Also at MRS Spring, Lake Shore will have a second M81-SSM system set up showing how it can be used for measurements performed in conjunction with a cryogenic probe station. These types of probe stations enable researchers to perform on-wafer DC or high-frequency measurements at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields as high as 5 T under vacuum. On display will be the TTPX, Lake Shore’s affordable tabletop station.
Additionally, for attendees interested in Hall measurements, the company will be demoing its MeasureReady FastHall™ Station. This fully integrated tabletop system contains Lake Shore’s M91 FastHall measurement controller, which enables Hall effect analysis to be performed in much less time than comparable solutions, especially when characterizing low-mobility materials. Also on display: a new guarded insert for easily integrating the M91 controller into a Quantum Design PPMS® for high-resistance Hall measurements.
In addition, representatives will be answering questions about the company’s:
- New MagRS magnetic research system, a highly flexible electromagnet-based platform with options to customize it for VSM, ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), and two types of Hall effect measurements for low-mobility material analysis (with the AC field Hall option providing 2× noise improvement over the previous 8400 Series HMS system)
- New CryoComplete™, which contains everything needed to start taking temperature-dependent electrical measurements out of the box, including the M81-SSM, an Environment by Janis VPF-100 LN2 cryostat, a Model 335 temperature controller, and a PC with MeasureLINK™ test control and data charting software
- Other Environment by Janis cryostats and lab cooling solutions, including the upcoming Infinite Helium cooling system, which not only enables a continuous flow cryostat to operate cryogen-free, but offers fully automated operation — with no manual valve adjustments required
- Award-winning 8600 Series VSMs, which combine high sensitivity (15 nemu) and rapid measurement speed (10 ms/pt) in a simple-to-operate system for characterizing magnetic materials
- Full selection of cryogenic measurement products, including cryogenic sensors, monitors, and controllers optimized for low-temperature material research