
Cryogen-free cryogenic cold trap cryostats


Cryogen-free cryogenic cold trap cryostat features

  • <5 K to 500 K
  • Cryogen-free
 ApplicationMinimum temperature1Maximum temperature
CCS-TRAPNoble gas trapping, stainless steel (nude)<8 K450 K
CCS-TRAP-SNoble gas trapping, charcoal<8 K500 K 
CCS-TRAP-COREIce core trapping<9 K300 K 

1Temperatures to <5 K possible; contact us


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Lake Shore — environment by JANIS

Lake Shore offers cryogenic cold traps that use mechanical coolers. These traps are primarily used in the adsorption of noble gases, including helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. Cold traps aid in the extraction of such gases from geological materials collected from volcanic hot springs to gain insight into the Earth's planetary evolution. They are also used to study polar ice core samples for climate research.

We have three cold trap variants targeting different applications. CCS‑TRAP is optimized for trapping lighter noble gases, including helium, neon and argon. CCS‑TRAP‑S is optimized for heavier gases — krypton and xenon. And CCS‑TRAP‑CORE cools user specimen tubes with polar ice core samples.

Custom designs can include double cold traps with independent temperature control and either one or two cold heads, flow-through designs, and water traps. While these cold traps are primarily designed for trapping and separating noble gases, they may also be suitable for other gases. Contact us for more information.

Temperature controllerEvery cryostat comes with a Lake Shore temperature controller and calibrated sensor

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MeasureLINK control software
MeasureLINK control software