Lake Shore Cryotronics will be answering questions about their award-winning vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) systems and other solutions for magnetic material research at next week’s Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) conference in Dallas.
Conference attendees can learn about the benefits of the electromagnet-based 8600 Series VSMs for characterizing properties of solid, thin film, powder, and liquid samples. Featuring a 15-nemu noise floor at 10 s/pt, the VSMs particularly benefit applications where one needs to characterize samples that possess weak magnetic moments, such as nanowires and nanoparticles.
Available in 4-inch (2.76 T), 7-inch (3.22 T), and 10-inch (3.6 T) versions, all of which feature a 10 ms/pt data acquisition rate, the VSMs are especially ideal for research involving first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements. In addition to flying through complex FORC data collection sequences in a fraction of the time required on previous systems, they include Real-Time FORC (RTForc™) software that automates FORC data acquisition, calculating and displaying FORC distributions in real time.
The 8600 Series VSMs can also be ordered with a cryostat and high-temperature oven for characterizing materials over a wide (4.2 to 1273 K) temperature range, and a vector option for investigating anisotropic magnetic materials.
Also at MMM, Lake Shore will have on display in its booth: their unique modular MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system, which provides DC, 100 kHz AC, and mixed DC + AC sourcing and measuring for low-level measurements of materials and may be useful for spin valve, spin-orbit torque, and other spin transport studies; as well as a multi-axis F71 teslameter with Hall probe for fast, worry-free, and highly accurate field measurements.
In addition, Lake Shore will be available to discuss:
- Cryogenic probe stations with integrated in-plane and out-of-plane magnets that support measuring of magneto-transport, electro-optical, DC, RF, and microwave properties at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to more than 2 T under vacuum
- Superconducting magnet systems, including 1.5 K DryMag™ cryogen-free systems, and electromagnets for integration into customer-designed magnetic test platforms
- Hall effect measurement solutions, including the MeasureReady M91 FastHall measurement controller for faster, more accurate, and convenient Hall analysis of materials
- Cryogenic temperature sensors, controllers, and monitors, as well as cryostats for low-temperature magnetism research