Probe station options
Installed options
Unless otherwise specified, these options must be configured at the time of probe station purchase.

Extends the minimum sample temperature of the CPX probe station to 1.6 K base temperature by lowering the pressure inside the sample stage heat exchanger. The PS-VLT-CPX includes a rotary vane pump with oil mist eliminator and all connections to the station. The modified sample stage is optimized for cooling 25.4 mm (1 in) samples with modified radiation shielding. A grounded sample holder is included—additional sample holders for the VLT operation are sold separately. 3-phase 208 V 50/60 Hz operation.

For vibration-sensitive applications, the PS-PVIS (PS-TTVIS for the TTPX) configuration is recommended when probing extremely fine detail, when making measurements that are very sensitive to mechanical noise, or when there are likely to be outside vibration sources near the probe station. The option adds active pneumatic vibration isolation to the integrated stand and requires a regulated source of 40 psi compressed air or nitrogen.

The PS-STAND-TTPX provides a stable platform for the TTPX.

Upgrades the probe station vision system to 12:1 zoom microscope for higher magnification. See the Vision System page for additional details.

Provides 360° rotation of the sample stage. The PS-360-EMPX is recommended for measurements that require changing the sample alignment relative to the magnetic field. The rotation stage is also useful for aligning GSG probe tips for microwave measurements. The thermal gradient between the top of the rotation stage and the sample stage temperature sensor is <2 K over the full temperature range. Standard sample holders can be used when the rotation stage is removed. The rotation
stage requires configuration of the sample cooling assembly to accommodate the rotation controls.

The load lock assembly (PS-LL-CPX) allows samples to be exchanged under controlled environmental conditions without warming the radiation shields or breaking vacuum, significantly improving efficiency and throughput by reducing cycle time to roughly 1 h when used on the CPX or CPX-VF and about 2 h on the CRX-VF. This option’s overall temperature range is <10 K to 420 K. It includes an electrically isolated adapter for the sample stage, two transfer sample holders, and modified radiation shields that provide load lock access. The electrical isolation is compatible with FT-TRIAX and FT-BNC feedthroughs.
Available for use with the load lock is a suitcase (PS-SC-CPX), which enables quick sample transfers between controlled environments and features a vacuum flange adaptable for various standard glove box fittings. A sample is loaded into the suitcase’s sample carriage, and once the suitcase is mounted on the underside of the load lock chamber, the sample can be shuttled to the cold stage with ease. This mechanism protects the active material surfaces or delicate organic materials from atmospheric contamination—a crucial capability in a number of material characterization applications.
Field-installable options
These options can be ordered at any time and either configured with a probe station or installed in the field.

Extends the maximum sample temperature using a sample stage with integrated thermal standoffs, calibrated temperature sensor, and heater. The temperature range of the PS-HTSTAGE option is from 20 K to 675 K and can accommodate 50 mm (2 in) diameter samples; it reduces z-axis travel to 11 mm. Standard sample holders can be used when the high-temperature stage is removed. There are simple steps in the operation manual to reconfigure an existing heater output to drive the stage. Requires manual switching of the 100 W radiation shield heater for closed-loop control. The PS-HTSTAGE is not compatible with RF, MCW, parametric probes, FT‑OPTIC optical access kit, or the ability to backside bias the sample.

Extends the minimum sample temperature by lowering the base pressure inside the sample stage heat exchanger (see individual model specifications). The PS-LT option includes system modifications, a stainless steel bellows and a DS402 rotary vane pump with oil mist eliminator. Single phase worldwide 50/60 Hz operation. 50 Hz operation may increase base temperature.

Lowers the ultimate base pressure up to two decades and reduces pump down time. Critical for samples sensitive to contamination or condensation, like in high Z and low current applications, the PS-HV-CPX option ensures
that condensation does not accumulate on the sample during cooldown. A modification to the station chamber port allows an ISO100 gate valve and integrated vibration isolator to mount the ISO100 turbo pump directly to the chamber. Includes
dry scroll backing pump, full range gauge mounted to vacuum chamber and turbo controller with gauge readout integrated into the electronics console.
All probe stations
Evacuates the probe station vacuum chamber. The TPS‑FRG includes a V-81 turbo pump (NW 40 inlet) with oil free dry scroll backing pump, FRG‑700 full range gauge, controller, and interface cable to USB port. Full
range gauge allows measurement of pressure from atmosphere to 10-8 Torr. The included interface cable allows connection to a standard USB computer port for vacuum pressure logging; includes an Agilent 24-month warranty. Requires
the PS‑TP‑KIT.
All probe stations
Connects any NW 40 inlet turbo pumping station to a probe station. The PS-TP-KIT includes a 1 m NW 40 bellows, a tee for inline gauge mounting, and all necessary clamps/fittings; it also includes NW 25 and NW 16 adapters for transfer line maintenance evacuation.
All probe stations
Minimize vibration from a pump to a probe station. The PS-PLVI-40 is used for turbo pumping stations, and includes NW 40 fittings, 1 m stainless steel bellows, clamps, and rings. The PS-PLVI-25 minimizes
vibration from a rotary vane pump or a backing pump, and is recommended for use with the PS-LT low temperature options or with the PS-CPX-HV high vacuum option. It includes NW 25 fittings, 1 m stainless steel bellows, clamps, and
rings. Both options require one bag of cement.
All probe stations
Simulates the thermal loading of a sample during probing. The PS-REF-CRX consists of a calibrated CX-1050-SD-HT-1.4M sensor chip mounted to a 10 mm × 10 mm × 0.45 mm thick sapphire substrate
with landing pads. There are no leads to the sensor; temperature is read using four ZN50 probes. Kit includes temperature cable and adapters to connect four BNC or triaxial configured probe arms to the temperature sensor input on the Model
336. Also includes sample clamps and additional probe arm shields to further minimize radiation on the sample. The temperature range is 2 K to 420 K.
Microwave probe calibration substrates
All probe stations
Calibrate GSG probes with the CS-105 and CS-115 substrates. Calibrations supported are SOLT (short-open-load-through), LRL (line-reflective-line), and LRM (line-reflective-match). Pitch range for the CS-105 is 75 to 250 µm
and for the CS-115 is 40 to 150 µm.

Provides direct, line of sight, optical access to the back (bottom) side of the sample when used with an optical access sample holder (sold separately). The FT-OPTIC option is beneficial when measuring samples
that are optically active on the side opposite the one being electrically probed. The kit includes a 25 mm (1 in) quartz viewport and related components to mount on the bottom of the vacuum chamber. The opening in the sample stage
and optical sample holders is 5.08 mm (0.2 in). The working distance between the viewport and sample is approximately 147 mm (5.79 in). The optical access is configured at Lake Shore when ordered with the probe station,
but it is easy to install in the field when ordered separately. Lake Shore offers the choice of several compatible optical access sample holders.
The 1220-50 nitrogen laboratory storage Dewar has 50 L liquid capacity and a 12.7 mm (0.5 in) top withdraw port that is compatible with the probe station transfer line. Constructed of durable stainless steel, the Dewar includes a pressure gauge, gas port, gas valve, and 68.9 kPA (10 psi) pressure relief valve for safe and convenient operation.
Not necessary for CRX stations
Supplying the required is 40 psi of compressed air for the pneumatic vibration isolation options (PS-PVIS or PS-TTVIS), the PS-OAC is only available for 120 V operation.
See the chiller selection page for options