- Products
- Environment by Janis products
- Temperature sensors
- Temperature sensor information
- Temperature probes
- Cryogenic accessories
- Temperature instruments
- Magnetic instruments & sensors
- MeasureLINK™ software
- M81-SSM source measure system
- Guarded insert for PPMS®
- MeasureReady®
- MagRS
- Vibrating sample magnetometers
- Cryogenic probe stations
- Hall effect systems
- Electromagnets
- Power supplies
- Recirculating chillers
- Discontinued products
- Rox 102B-CB
- MeasureReady™ MCS-EMP
- 231/234 transmitters
- Model 331
- Model 332
- Model 340
- 370 AC bridge
- Model 410 Hand-held Gaussmeter
- Model 455
- Model 460
- 642 EMPS
- 7400 Series VSM
- 7400-S Series VSM
- 7600 Series HMS
- 7700 Series HMS
- 9700A superconducting HMS
- 665/668 MPS
- CPX-HF probe station
- 100 Series sources
- 400 Series diodes
- EM4/EM7 Electromagnets
- Field control electromagnet platforms
- GaAlAs diodes
- 2900 Series AGM
- 3900 Series VSM
- Rhodium-iron
- Product information
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About us
- User forum
- Blog
- Products
Environment by Janis products
Temperature sensors
- Temperature sensor information
- Temperature probes
Cryogenic accessories
Temperature instruments
Magnetic instruments & sensors
- MeasureLINK™ software
- M81-SSM source measure system
- Guarded insert for PPMS®
- MagRS
- Vibrating sample magnetometers
Cryogenic probe stations
Hall effect systems
- Electromagnets
Power supplies
- Recirculating chillers
Discontinued products
- Rox 102B-CB
- MeasureReady™ MCS-EMP
- 231/234 transmitters
- Model 331
- Model 332
- Model 340
- 370 AC bridge
- Model 410 Hand-held Gaussmeter
- Model 455
- Model 460
- 642 EMPS
- 7400 Series VSM
- 7400-S Series VSM
- 7600 Series HMS
- 7700 Series HMS
- 9700A superconducting HMS
- 665/668 MPS
- CPX-HF probe station
- 100 Series sources
- 400 Series diodes
- EM4/EM7 Electromagnets
- Field control electromagnet platforms
- GaAlAs diodes
- 2900 Series AGM
- 3900 Series VSM
- Rhodium-iron
- Product information
- Shop
About us
- User forum
- Blog
Materials and Measurements
- Magnetic thin films, multilayers, and heterostructures
- Particulate
- Continuous
- Magneto-optical
- Magnetic MEMS
- Magnetoresistors (MR)
- Tunneling-MR (TMR)
- Giant-MR (GMR)
- Colossal-MR (CMR)
- Nanomagnetic materials
- Diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS)
- Paramagnets
- Diamagnets
- Superconductors
- Spin glasses
- Molecular magnetic materials
- Nanocrystalline magnetic alloys
- Amorphous magnets
- Melt spun ribbons
- Rare-earth permanent magnets
- Ferrites
- Hard
- Semi-hard
- Ferrofluids
- Biological and biomedical
- Stents
- MRI contrast agents
- Nanoscale and microscale particles
- Magnetic powders and inks
Direct and derived measurements as a function of field, temperature, and time
- Field-dependent measurements
- Major and minor hysteresis loops
- Saturation magnetization (MSAT)
- Remanent magnetization (MREM)
- Remanent induction
- BR
- Coercivity (HC)
- Intrinsic coercivity (HCi)
- Slope at HC (S*)
- dM/dH derivative curves
- Differential susceptibility at HC
- Switching field distribution (SFD)
- Flatness
- Squareness ratio (SQR)
- Initial magnetization curve
- 2nd quadrant demagnetization curves
- Maximum energy
- Product (BHMAX)
- DC demagnetization (DCD) remanence
- Isothermal (IRM) remanence
- Permeability curves
- Pinned and free layer parameters
- Exchange field
- Magnetic anisotropy and rotational hysteresis
- Vector (anisotropy) measurements (mx and my)
- Torque curves: τ = µoM × H = -µoMyHxk^
- Temperature dependent measurements M(T)
- Curie point
- Blocking temperature
- Superconducting transitions and more
- Time dependent measurements M(t)
- Magnetic relaxation
- Magnetic viscosity
- First order reversal curves (FORCs)