Lake Shore Cryotronics will be at next week’s 2025 Motor, Drive Systems & Magnetics (MDSM) Conference & Exhibition in Tallahassee, FL, showcasing the company’s teslameter and fluxmeter instruments.
Representatives will have on hand the award-winning multi-axis F71 teslameter with a 3-axis FP Series Hall probe and the Model 480 fluxmeter with a 2.5-inch Helmholtz coil featuring a field strength of ≈30 G/A.
The teslameter, which is also available in a single-axis (F41) version, offers:
- Fast, worry-free, and highly accurate field measurements
- Live plotting that enables you to easily see fields changing over time
- High-speed pulse detection with the addition of maximum peak holding
- Fully configurable digital low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass filters
- A qualifier feature for pass/fail classifications of field values
- TruZero™ technology that eliminates any need to re-zero the attached Hall probes
Lake Shore teslameters can also be integrated easily into a cryogenic system. They feature built-in external source temperature compensation and a cryogenic mode, which reduces power dissipation into the compatible cryogenic-rated Hall probe/sensor by orders of magnitude when measuring below 4 K (as explained in a “Magnetic Field Measurement at Cryogenic Temperatures“ application note).
The Model 480 fluxmeter, which is ideal for magnet testing and sorting and for use as the main component in BH loop or hysteresis measurement system applications, features:
- Automatic drift compensation
- Very fast peak capture
- AC frequency response to 50 kHz
- 5¾ digit DC resolution (1 part out of ±300,000)
- Storage of parameters for up to 10 existing coils
Also at MDSM 2025, Lake Shore will answer questions about its:
- Hall sensors
- Vibrating sample magnetometers (VSMs) for magnetic material characterization/analysis
- New MagRS magnetic research system with options for VSM, ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), and Hall effect measurements
- Cryogenic probe stations with integrated in-plane and out-of-plane magnets for measuring samples as a function of variable field
- Superconducting magnet systems, electromagnets, superconducting magnet power supplies, and electromagnet power supplies
- Wide range of cryogenic temperature sensors, controllers, monitors, and lab cryostats for performing magnetic field measurements at low temperatures