Lake Shore Cryotronics will be at next week’s MRS Fall Conference & Exhibition in Boston, previewing a unique new SMU-10 source measure unit that features both DC and AC sourcing and measurement with lock-in detection capabilities.
Offering all the benefits of the modules currently available for the MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system, the SMU-10 module is optimized for characterizing the ultra-low voltage regimes of sub-nanoscale and 2D nanomaterial semiconductors. It integrates six instruments into a unified material research solution, providing DC current, DC voltage, AC current, AC voltage, lock-in, and resistance measurement capabilities while offering:
- Very low noise I-V measurements with nanowatt precision
- Increased measurement sensitivity by thermal and offset reduction through AC measurement capabilities
- Synchronous/simultaneous sourcing and measuring, which removes sampling misalignment and makes it ideal for pulsed I-V testing
- An advanced resistance mode that compensates for phase shifts from cable capacitance to ensure a more accurate resistance measurement
The SMU-10 performs ultra-low noise measurements with measurement sensitivities of <3 nV and <1 fA with maximum voltage/current levels of ±10 V and ±100 mA DC/peak.
In Lake Shore’s booth (#221), SMU-10 modules will be displayed mounted on a TTPX cryogenic probe station. Lake Shore probe stations enable researchers to perform on-wafer DC or high-frequency measurements at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields as high as 5 T under vacuum.
Also on display in the booth will be:
- A miniaturized demo version of the company’s new electromagnet-based MagRS system showing how various components and options can be used to customize it for vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), and two types of Hall effect measurements
- A demo of the soon-to-be-released new Infinite Helium recirculating gas cooler system, which not only enables a continuous flow cryostat to operate cryogen-free but as a fully automated system offers single-button cool-down operation (it will be shown attached to an ST-500 cryostat for low-vibration microscopy applications)
- A demo showing the precision and speed of the tabletop FastHall™ Station with M91 FastHall controller for Hall measurement and analysis (also on display: a guarded insert used for easy integration of the M91 into a Quantum Design PPMS® for high-resistance Hall measurements)