Lake Shore Cryotronics’ Cosmin Radu will be at next week’s International Conference on Magnetism (ICM), joining with representatives of Quantum Design Europe’s Italy office to answer questions about products for magnetic material research, including 8600 Series VSMs and the new MagRS magnetic research system.
Featuring a 15-nemu noise floor at 10 s/pt, the 8600 Series VSMs particularly benefit applications involving the characterization of samples that possess weak magnetic moments, such as nanowires and nanoparticles. The VSMs can be ordered in 4- (2.76 T), 7- (3.22 T), and 10-inch (3.6 T) electromagnet versions, all of which feature a 10 ms/pt data acquisition rate—a complete -2 T to +2 T hysteresis loop with 3,000 measurement points can be completed in about 30 seconds. Also available are cryostat and oven options for characterizing over a wide (4.2 to 1273 K) temperature range and a vector option for investigating anisotropic magnetic materials.
The MagRS system offers a modular approach to magnetometry-based research while providing the same measurement speed, sensitivity, and ease of use as the 8600 Series. The versatile system can be specified with a 4- or 7-inch electromagnet and has options for not only VSM measurements but also ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and AC field Hall and FastHall™ measurements.
Like the 8600 Series, the MagRS, when used in a VSM configuration, particularly benefits research involving first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements. FORC analysis is greatly enhanced by the system’s high sensitivity and the inclusion of Real-Time FORC (RTForc™) software, which enables fully automated FORC data acquisition.
Relating to this: For ICM attendees interested in FORCs for magnetocaloric research, Radu will join Victorino Franco of the Univ. of Seville to present a poster on thermal analysis using T-FORC, specifically in a (NiMnSi)0.66(Fe2Ge)0.34 alloy application. The poster session, to be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in Room 19, will cover new methods for significantly more efficient T-FORC experiments.
Also at ICM, the modular, multichannel MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system will be on display. It provides DC, 100 kHz AC, and mixed DC + AC sourcing and measuring—including a lock-in’s sensitivity and performance—for low-level measurements, such as spin valve, spin-orbit torque, and other spin transport studies.
Attendees can also learn about Lake Shore’s:
- Cryogenic probe stations with integrated magnets that support measuring of magneto-transport, electro-optical, DC, RF, and microwave properties at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to more than 2 T
- Superconducting magnet systems, electromagnets, superconducting magnet power supplies, and electromagnet power supplies
- Hall effect measurement solutions, including the MeasureReady M91 FastHall measurement controller for faster, more accurate, and convenient Hall analysis of materials
- Magnetic test and measurement instruments and Hall (magnetic) sensors for reliable magnetic field measurements
- Cryogenic sensors, controllers, monitors, and cryostats for low-temperature magnetometry research