Lake Shore Cryotronics will present “Improved AC Field Hall Measurements Using Hybrid Filters” at this week’s Electronic Material Conference at the University of California-Santa Barbara, where the company will also be exhibiting.
In his 2:50 p.m. Wednesday talk, Applications Scientist IV Jeff Lindemuth will describe how a combination of digital lock-in output stage filters, utilizing FIR and IIR low-pass filters, can produce improved noise reduction and measurement time over the traditional approach of using independent IIR filters or FIR filters for Hall effect measurements of electronic materials.
The presentation is based on the work of Lindemuth and Lake Shore applications scientists David Daughton and Emilio Codecido and involves the use of a Lake Shore MeasureReady™ M81-SSM source measure system used in conjunction with a 7-inch 1.31 T electromagnet and magnet power supply. The all-in-one M81-SSM system provides highly synchronized DC, 100 kHz AC, and mixed DC + AC sourcing and measuring — including both voltage and current lock-in measurement capabilities — for researchers exploring the electrical properties of new materials.
For those who want to learn more about the M81-SSM, Lindemuth, along with Lake Shore’s Kevin Carmichael, will be available in the exhibit area to show a demo of the system, set up to demonstrate measurements using the system’s BCS-10 balanced current source and VM-10 voltage source modules.
The M81-SSM can also be ordered as part of the new CryoComplete™ system, which includes everything needed to start taking temperature-dependent (77 K to 500 K) electrical measurements out of the box, including an Environment by Janis LN2 cryostat, temperature controller, and PC with MeasureLINK™ control software.
In addition to the M81-SSM, Lake Shore will also be answering questions about:
- Cryogenic probe stations for performing on-wafer DC, RF, or high-frequency measurements of materials at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to as high as 5 T under vacuum
- Hall effect measurement solutions, including the FastHall™ Station, a fully integrated tabletop Hall system that leverages the patented FastHall measurement technology provided by the company’s M91 FastHall measurement controller for rapid, convenient Hall analysis of materials
- Other Environment by Janis cryostats and a full selection of lab cryogenic equipment, including recirculating gas cooler (RGC) systems, which offer the flexibility and convenience of a continuous-flow cryostat without a need for liquid helium
- Superconducting magnet systems, including 1.5 K DryMag™ cryogen-free systems, as well as electromagnets
- Award-winning 8600 Series VSMs, which combine high sensitivity (15 nemu) and rapid measurement speed (10 ms/pt) in a simple-to-operate system for characterizing magnetic materials
- Cryogenic measurement and control products, including sensors, monitors, and controllers optimized for low-temperature material research