Lake Shore Cryotronics will be at SPIE Optics + Photonics in San Diego next week, demonstrating how its new MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system can be used for optical measurements in a cryogenic environment.
The company will show how the M81 instrument with its electrical source/measure modules can stimulate and measure small photocurrents in a photodiode device inside a Lake Shore VNF-100 cryostat. In this setup, a laser is electrically driven with the M81-BCS-10 current source module and passed through a chopper wheel, resulting in a photocurrent measured using lock-in detection by the M81-CM-10 current measure module. The M81-SSM modular architecture allows for signal and source amplifiers to be mounted directly on the cryostat, minimizing noise and unwanted effects from cabling and wiring to the sample. Similar setups can be used for other optical experiments, such as external quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements of solar cell and photodetector devices.
Designed to eliminate the user complexities associated with setting up multiple single-function instruments, the M81-SSM supports up to three remote-mountable source and three measure modules per a single M81-SSM-6 instrument, all working on a tightly synchronized clock. The M81-SSM sourcing modules can provide combined DC+AC voltage/current outputs with low-noise levels targeting sensitive material and device characterization applications.
Also at SPIE Optics + Photonics, company representatives will be discussing:
- Cryogenic probe stations for performing electro-optical, DC, RF, and high-frequency measurements of materials and devices, including photovoltaic materials and semiconductor optoelectronic devices, in a variable temperature environment. These platforms include cryogen-free and integrated magnet models, and stations supporting backside optical illumination of a sample (ideal for examining photosensitive materials with topside metallization). On display will be the entry-level Model TTPX probe station.
- Hall effect measurement solutions, including the MeasureReady M91 FastHall™ measurement controller for faster, more accurate, and convenient Hall analysis of solar cell, organic electronic, and transparent conducting oxide materials when compared to traditional Hall measurement solutions.
- Environment by Janis cryostats, cryocoolers, and other lab cryogenic equipment.
- Vibrating magnetometer systems (VSMs) for characterizing magnetic properties of a wide range of samples, including those used in magneto-optical media development.
- MagRS magnetic research systems, which are versatile, multi-purpose electromagnet platforms that provide all the components needed for automated, variable-field experiments.
- Cryogenic sensors and instruments for stable, reliable low-temperature measurements.