Lake Shore Cryotronics will be at next week’s APS March Meeting in Chicago exhibiting a range of high-performance solutions for experimental physicists, including its new MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system for low-level measurements in electronic material characterization applications.
The unique, modular system provides highly synchronized DC, 100 kHz AC, and mixed DC + AC sourcing and measuring – including both voltage and current lock-in measurement capabilities – for researchers exploring the electrical properties of early-stage devices. The multichannel system provides a simple way to characterize multiple samples in parallel under identical test conditions so researchers obtain consistent, comparable data much faster than having to test samples individually.
Also, owing to its modular architecture, the M81-SSM allows signal and source amplifiers to be located as close as possible to the samples being characterized. By having both DC and AC sourcing and measurement in one instrument, the M81-SSM can often eliminate the need for mixed-instrument setups, greatly simplifying the setup and operation of complex characterization configurations.
In Booth 700 at the APS March Meeting, Lake Shore will specifically be demonstrating the M81-SSM instrument and its modules set up to measure small photocurrents of a diode mounted in a Lake Shore VNF-100 cryostat, with the company’s Model 335 cryogenic controller used to control sample chamber temperature and MeasureLINK™ software
managing the experiment.
Also on display: M81-SSM instrument and modules configured to characterize a sample in a tabletop TTPX cryogenic probe station with a Model 336 instrument controlling temperature. In this setup, the M81 amplifier modules are attached directly to the station, eliminating the need for long signal wiring to a device under test while reducing noise and increasing measurement sensitivity.
In addition, Lake Shore representatives will be available to answer questions about the company’s:
- Entire range of cryogenic probe stations for on-wafer DC, RF, or high-frequency measurements at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to more than 2 T
- Hall effect measurement solutions. On display will be the FastHall™ Station, a tabletop system for rapid, convenient Hall analysis that leverages the patented FastHall measurement technology provided by the M91 FastHall measurement controller
- Wide selection of “environment by Janis” cryostats, cryocoolers, and other lab cryogenic equipment (on display will be the 4 K SHI-4-2 cryocooler and 1.5 K continuous closed-cycle refrigerator)
- MagRS magnetic research systems, which are multi-purpose electromagnet platforms that provide all the components needed for automated, variable field experiments
- Award-winning 8600 Series VSMs, which combine high sensitivity (15 nemu) and rapid measurement speed (10 ms/pt) in a simple-to-operate system for characterizing magnetic materials
- Full selection of cryogenic measurement and control products, including cryogenic sensors, monitors, and controllers optimized for low-temperature physics research
- Magnetic test and measurement instruments, including the award-winning F71 and F41 teslameters