Vibrating sample magnetometers (VSMs) have long been the benchmark for characterizing magnet properties in material science laboratories. Now, Lake Shore Cryotronics has announced the market launch of its newest electromagnet-based VSM line, the 8600 Series, raising the bar for magnetometer performance and convenience.
These VSMs combine high sensitivity (33 nemu), rapid measurement speed (10 ms/pt), and simple operation in a magnetometer system capable of accurately characterizing a broad range of materials with unprecedented ease.
The 8600 Series was created with first order reversal curve (FORC) measurement as a primary objective. FORC analysis precision is greatly enhanced by the high sensitivity of the 8600 Series. FORC also benefits from increased data point density, and the new VSM flies through complex FORC data collection sequences in a fraction of the time required on previous systems.
The entire system has been reimagined with a focus on clean, ergonomic design that simplifies the researcher’s interaction with the VSM and ensures repeatable measurements. A motorized head brings the sample to a comfortable height for easy, one-handed exchange using QuickLIGN™ sample rods. GlideLOCK™ temperature options take just a minute to install and include a cryostat, high-temperature oven, and single-stage variable temperature insert for automated, unattended operation over wide temperature ranges. All three options quickly click into place and are auto-detected, with the software automatically displaying controls for the specific option. The magnet poles are also easily adjusted with the ExactGAP™ indexed positioning system that allows the pole gap to be set at precise positions, eliminating the need to recalibrate after each change.
The system’s software simplifies control of the VSM. Standard predefined measurement routines are combined with configurable field and measurement loops to provide a flexible data acquisition environment. In addition, the software features an integrated scripting tool, which enables the user to extend the existing routines with an open-ended software scripting language that can be used to perform customized measurement protocols and/or interface with third-party lab equipment.
The new 8600 Series VSM offers the ultimate in measurement capability for researchers studying emerging low-moment magnetic materials, applying FORC analysis, or simply interested in making high-resolution measurements in less time.
For details, visit the product page.