Lake Shore Cryotronics will discuss platforms for characterizing properties of emerging electronic materials during the 58th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC), June 22 – 24, at the University of Delaware.
Among these is Lake Shore’s fully integrated, non-contact Model 8501 THz system for material characterization. THz spectroscopy can aid a number of electronic material research applications because THz wavelengths match the feature sizes (10 mm × 10 mm) of development-grade materials and couple strongly to the free-carrier motion of a number of materials, including 2D, superconducting, thin-film semiconductor, complex oxide epilayer, and functional organic materials.
Spectral profiles generated by the system can reveal interesting phenomena not visible with conventional characterization techniques, and because it includes a high-field cryostat, material property responses can be measured across a range of temperatures and field strengths. These capabilities benefit researchers having to study materials at low temperatures or characterize bulk materials at an early stage, when high magnetic fields (up to 9 T) may be required.
Also at EMC, Lake Shore will discuss:
- Micro-manipulated cryogenic probe stations for DC, RF, or microwave measurements at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to over 2 T, plus a forthcoming THz probe arm option for on-wafer probing of materials and devices at frequencies of 75 GHz and up.
- The 8400 Series Hall effect measurement system with an AC field Hall measurement option for characterizing Hall mobilities of electronic materials down to 0.001 cm2/V s.
- Their new 7400-S Series vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) featuring fields to over 3.4 T and a 4.2 K to 1,273 K temperature span for characterizing a broad range of magnetic materials.