Lake Shore Cryotronics will be attending next week’s 20th International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) in Barcelona, Spain, to discuss high sensitivity magnetometer systems and magnetic test and measurement instrumentation.
Lake Shore will specifically address how vibrating sample magnetometers (VSMs) and alternating gradient magnetometers (AGMs) can aid research into magnetic thin films and multi-layers, nano composites, diluted magnetic semiconductors, rare-earth permanent magnet materials, and other magnetic samples over a range of temperatures (4.2 to 1273 K) and fields to 3.1 T. Lake Shore’s magnetometer systems include MicroMag™ 3900 Series VSMs and 2900 Series AGMs, which are the standard for first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) measurements, as well as their popular line of 7400 Series VSMs.
For researchers who want to characterize the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) of materials, Lake Shore now offers an MCE analysis tool for the 7400 Series. This software program uses magnetization curve data to calculate magnetic entropy change and refrigerant capacity for the type of material being analyzed.
For those interested in magnetic test instrumentation, Lake Shore will also be answering questions about their benchtop and hand-held Hall effect gaussmeters and fluxmeters, and their selection of axial, transverse, tangential, and multi-axis Hall probes for use with these instruments. Lake Shore gaussmeters can compare the magnetic fields of various materials and have been used in prominent research, such as MIT’s nuclear fusion program. They are also used by manufacturers, such as for validating solenoid performance, mapping a magnetic field shape for a component or assembly, or sorting tested products according to magnetic strength.
In addition, Lake Shore will discuss their:
- Cryogenic probe stations with integrated in-plane and out-of-plane magnets for measuring materials and early-stage devices as a function of temperature and under the application of magnetic fields up to 3 T.
- Hall effect measurement systems for performing Hall effect and magnetotransport measurements as a function of temperature and field.
- Fully integrated 8500 Series THz materials characterization system for measuring spectroscopic responses across a range of frequencies, temperatures, and field strengths.
For more information, visit ICM Stand 6 in the exhibit.