Dan Faia
Worldwide, we’re seeing a number of technological advances occurring, whether for new modes of transportation, faster computing, or using magnetic nanoparticles to purify water. Many of the people doing this work have used Lake Shore products at the earliest stages of their research. Coming from primarily a test and measurement background, I find it interesting to now be able to engage with more scientists working at these earlier R&D stages where much of the groundbreaking research is being done. And then there’s Lake Shore’s rich history of supporting so many big physics research and space projects, and how we’re positioning ourselves to serve these scientists tomorrow. I am excited to be a part of these efforts going forward.

Dan Faia is Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) for Lake Shore Cryotronics, responsible for developing and executing an overall sales, marketing, and customer service strategy for the company. He also works with Lake Shore’s executive leadership team in developing a long-term business plan to keep pace with the evolving needs of the worldwide research community.
Dan received his BSci in Computer Engineering from Wentworth Institute of Technology in 1990 and was an Engineer with Raytheon Electronic Systems for eight years before joining Teradyne as a Product Manager for high-tech capital equipment. In 2004, he moved into executive-level strategic business development for global markets, joining Eagle Test Systems, where he served as Vice President of Global Sales & Marketing, with a specific focus on increasing sales of high-volume, automated test equipment for the semiconductor test industry. Following the acquisition of Eagle Test Systems by Teradyne, Dan became Vice President of Global Sales & Support for Keithley Instruments from 2009 to 2012, responsible for developing sales and service organizations for Keithley’s electrical test and measurement instrumentation and system lines.
Dan also served as Vice President of Global Sales for Red Lion Controls from 2012 to 2015, overseeing strategic sales of industrial automation and networking solutions, before becoming Executive Vice President for Datix, an enterprise software consulting firm, in 2015. Most recently, he was a senior executive with startup Eagle Acoustics Manufacturing, leading the implementation of a go-to-market strategy for the company’s consumer speaker technology.