Brad Dodrill
Senior Scientist
Because about 80% of our customers are physicists, materials scientists, and electrical engineers, it is important to them that we are able to demonstrate that we really understand their science, their applications, and their needs. We are very conscious that we are not just selling a product; we work with our customers in a collaborative capacity to ensure that we are providing them both the tools and services they need to advance their research endeavors.

Brad Dodrill graduated from The Ohio State University in 1982 with a BSc degree in Physics. He completed 2 years of graduate studies in Physics and Electrical Engineering and took a position with Lake Shore Cryotronics in 1984 as a Research Scientist. He was promoted to Systems Applications Engineer (1989 – 1996) and served a key role in the development of a commercial AC susceptometer/DC magnetometer and a vibrating sample magnetometer. He later served as an Applications Scientist and Product Manager (1996 – 2002), and in 2002 he was appointed VP of Sales.
In 2018 he transitioned to his position as VP of Applications. He is now Senior Scientist. He has co-edited a book (Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization), has 57 paper publications to his credit, and holds 3 U.S. patents. He has lectured at numerous universities and given invited and contributed talks at technical conferences in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Mexico on vibrating sample magnetometry, AC susceptometry, alternating gradient magnetometry, and on the use of the first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurement and analysis technique for the characterization of magnetic materials.
Select Publications
Temperature First Order Reversal Curves (T-FORC) using the Model 8600 VSM
Cosmin Radu1, Brad Dodrill1, Harry Reichard1, Tetsuo Shimizu1, Thomas Bapu1, David Daughton1, Luis M. Moreno-Ramirez2, Victorino Franco2
1Lake Shore Cryotronics, 2Universidad de Sevilla
Variable Temperature Low Moment Measurements using the 8600 VSM
B. C. Dodrill, C. Radu, Lake Shore Application Note, November. 2023.
Low-moment Measurements with the Model 8600 VSM
B. C. Dodrill, C. Radu, Lake Shore Application Note, May. 2023.
Understanding magnetic interactions and reversal mechanisms in a spinodally decomposed cobalt ferrite using first order reversal curves
AIP Advances 13, 025328 (2023); doi: 10.1063/9.0000562; Suraj V. Mullurkara, Ramon Egli, B. C. Dodrill, Susheng Tan, and P. R. Ohodnicki
Magnetic characterization of self-assembled nanostructures in cobalt ferrites using first-order reversal curve (FORC) analysis
M. V. Suraj, A. Talaat, B. C. Dodrill, Y. Wang, J. K. Lee, and P. R. Ohodnicki Jr., AIP Advances, March 1, 2022
Book: Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization
Editors: Victorino Franco, Brad Dodrill, Springer, September 2021.
Vibrating Sample Magnetometry
Brad Dodrill, Jeffrey Lindemuth, in Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization (chapter 2), Springer, September 2021.
Alternating Gradient Magnetometry
Brad Dodrill, Harry Reichard, in Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization (chapter 7), Springer, September 2021.
Real-Time FORC (RTForc™) Software for the 8600 Series VSM
B. C. Dodrill, H. S. Reichard, and T. Shimizu, Lake Shore Application Note, Nov. 2020.
8600 Series Vector Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VVSM)
B. C. Dodrill, Lake Shore Application Note, Jun. 2020.
First-Order Reversal Curve Study of Nanomagnetic Materials
Brad C. Dodrill. (2019) First-Order Reversal Curve Study of Nanomagnetic Materials. In S. Lyshevski (Ed.), Nanoengineering, Quantum Science, and Nanotechnology Handbook (pp. 231 – 246).
Magnetometry and First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) Measurements of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials
MagNews, International Publication of the UK Magnetics Society, 2018 Issue 4
Exchange-Biased Fe3−xO4-CoO Granular Composites of Different Morphologies Prepared by Seed-Mediated Growth in Polyol
G. Franceschin, T. Gaudisson, N. Menguy, B. C. Dodrill, N. Yaacoub, J.-M.
Grenèche, R. Valenzuela, and S. Ammar, Particle & Particle Systems
Characterization, July 2018.
Magnetometry Measurements of Nanomagnetic Materials
B. C. Dodrill, Technical Proceedings of the 2018 Techconnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, May 2018.
Multiphase magnetic systems: Measurement and simulation
Cao, Y., M. Ahmadzadeh, K. Xu, B. Dodrill, and J.S. McCloy, Journal of Applied Physics, 123(2), 023902 (2018).
High Temperature First-Order-Reversal-Curve (FORC) Study of Magnetic Nanoparticle Based Nanocomposite Materials
B. Dodrill, P. Ohodnicki, M. McHenry, and A. Leary, MRS Advances, September 2017
Magnetometry Measurements: Considerations for Magnetic and First-Order-Reversal-Curve (FORC) Measurements
B. C. Dodrill, Magnetics Business & Technology, July 2017
First-Order-Reversal-Curve (FORC) Study of Nanomagnetic Materials
B.C. Dodrill, Technical Proceedings of the 2017 Techconnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, CRC Press, May 2017.
High-Temperature First-Order-Reversal-Curve (FORC) Study of Magnetic Nanoparticle Based Nanocomposite Materials
B. Dodrill, P. Ohodnicki, A. Leary, and M. McHenry, Technical Proceedings
of the 2016 TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, CRC Press,
May 2016
Magnetometry and First-Order-reversal-Curve (FORC) Studies of Nanomagnetic Materials
B. Dodrill, Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Third Edition, April 2016
High-Temperature FORC Study of Single- and Multi-phase Permanent Magnets
B. Dodrill, J. Lindemuth, C. Radu and H. Reichard, Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 40, Issue 11, November 2015
First-Order-Reversal-Curve Analysis of Nanocomposite Permanent Magnets
B. Dodrill. Technical Proceedings of the 2015 TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, CRC Press, June 2015
First-Order-Reversal-Curve Analysis of Multi-Phase Ferrite Magnets
B. Dodrill, Magnetics Business & Technology, March 2015
Magnetocaloric Measurements: From Energy Efficient Refrigeration to a Tool for the Study of Phase Transitions
V. Franco, B. C. Dodrill, and C. Radu, Magnetics Business & Technology, Nov. 2014.
First-Order-Reversal-Curve Measurements of Nano-magnetic Materials
B. C. Dodrill, Nanotechweb.org, Sept. 2014.
First-Order-Reversal-Curve Analysis of Exchange Bias Magnetic Multilayer Films
B. C. Dodrill and L. Spinu, Lake Shore Application Note, Aug. 2014.
First-Order-Reversal-Curve Analysis of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials
B. C. Dodrill and L. Spinu, Technical Proceedings of the 2014 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference, June 2014.
First-Order-Reversal-Curve Analysis of Permanent Magnet Materials
B. C. Dodrill, Lake Shore Application Note, June 2014.
First-Order-Reversal-Curves Enhance Understanding of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials
B. C. Dodrill and L. Spinu, MRS Bulletin, Nov., 2013.
Magnetometry Measurements
B. C. Dodrill and L. Spinu, Magnetics Technology International, Nov. 2013.
First-Order-Reversal-Curve Measurements of Magnetic Materials
B. C. Dodrill, Lake Shore Application Note, Sept. 2013.
Rock Magnetism and First-Order-Reversal-Curve Measurements
B. C. Dodrill, Lake Shore Application Note, Sept. 2013.
Characterizing Permanent Magnet Materials with a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
B. C. Dodrill, Magnetics Business & Technology, Sept. 2012.
Anomalous Hall Effect Magnetometry—A Method for Studying Magnetic Processes of Thin Magnetic Films
J. R. Lindemuth and B. C. Dodrill, Magnetics Business & Technology, 2004.
Independent Measurement of Magnetic Properties of Double Layer Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Media Using an Anomalous Hall Effect Magnetometer
J. R. Lindemuth and B. C. Dodrill, submitted to MMM 2004, 2004.
Anomalous Hall Effect Magnetometry Studies of Magnetization Processes of Thin Films
J. R. Lindemuth & B. C. Dodrill, to be published in proceedings of
ICM2003 in the Jour. Of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2003.
Extraction of Low Mobility, Low Conductivity Carriers from Field Dependent Hall Data
J. R. Lindemuth, B. C. Dodrill, J. R. Meyer, and I. Vurgaftman, CS-MAX proceedings, IOP Pub. Ltd., 2002.
Characterizing Multi-Carrier Devices Using Quantitative Mobility Spectrum Analysis and Variable Field Hall Measurements
G. Du, J. R. Lindemuth, B. C. Dodrill, R. Sandhu, M. Wojtowicz, M. S.
Goorsky, I. Vurgaftman, and J. R. Meyer, Jap. Jour. Of Apl. Phys., Vol.
41, 2002.
Resonance in the Non-Linear Susceptibilities of Co3BTCA2(H2O)4
C. M. Wynn, A. S. Albrecht, C. P. Landee, M. M. Turnbull, and B. C. Dodrill, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, March, 2001.
Evaluation of Transport Properties Using Quantitative Mobility Spectrum Analysis
B. C. Dodrill, J. R Lindemuth, B. J. Kelly, G. Du, and J. R. Meyer, Compound Semiconductor, 7(2), 2001.
Electronic Transport Characterization of HEMT Structures
B. J. Kelley, B. C. Dodrill, J. R. Lindemuth, G. Du, and J. R. Meyer, Solid State Technology, Dec. 2000.
Finite Sample Size Effects on the Calibration of Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
J. R. Lindemuth, J. K. Krause, and B. C. Dodrill, IEEE Trans. On Magnetics, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2001.
Detect GMR Defects with In-line Metrology
B. C. Dodrill and B. J. Kelley, DataStorage, Feb. 2000.
Magnetic In-line Metrology for GMR Spin-Valve Sensors
B. C. Dodrill and B. J. Kelley, DataTech, Edition 3, Dec. 1999.
A Permanent Magnet Based Vector Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
B. C. Dodrill, J. R. Lindemuth, J. K. Krause, J. M. D. Coey, D. P. Hurley,
and F. Bengrid, presented at Joint MMM/Intermag conf., 1998.
Layered, 3-D Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets, M2+ (ReO4)2 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu)
C. C. Torardi, W. M. Reiff, B. C. Dodrill, and T. Vogt, proceedings of MRS
Symposium on Solid-State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials, 1996.
A Transport and Morphology-Based Study of YBa2Cu3O7 Powder
J. S. Hurley, S. Bates, and B. C. Dodrill, MRS Symposium on
High-Temperature Superconductivity—Interplay of Fundamentals and
Applications, 1996.
Dipolar Ferromagnetic Ordering in Layered Perrhenates M2+(ReO4)2, X-ray and Neutron Structures
C. C. Torardi, W. M. Reiff, B. C. Dodrill, and T. Vogt, proceedings of ACA98, 1998.
A Remarkable Field Induced Diamagnetic Effect in the Fe(II) Analogue in the Layered Ferrimagnet: Bu4NM(II)Fe(III)(OX)3, M = Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II)
W. M. Reiff and B. C. Dodrill, Proceedings of the Symposium on
Molecular-based Magnetic Materials, Molecular Crystals and Liquid
Crystals, Gordon & Breach, 1995.
A Layered Network of 3D-Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets Composed of the Divalent Metal Perrhenates: Ni(ReO4)2, Cu(ReO4)2, and Mn(ReO4)2
W. M. Reiff, C. C. Torardi, and B. C. Dodrill, Proceedings of the
Symposium on Molecular-based Magnetic Materials, Molecular Crystals and
Liquid Crystals, Gordon & Breach, 1995.
AC Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements of Organic Superconducting Materials
B. C. Dodrill and J. K. Krause, Proceedings of the Symposium on Advances
in Chemistry and Properties of Novel Low-Dimensional and Conducting or
Superconducting Solids, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Gordon
& Breach, 1995.
Superconductivity up to 11.1K in Three Solvated Salts Composed of [Ag(CF3)4]- and the Organic-donor Molecule Bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (ET)
J. A. Schlueter, K. D. Carlson, U. Geiser, H. H. Wang, J. M. Williams, W.
K. Kwok, J. A. Fendrich, U. Welp, P. M. Keane, J. D. Dudek, A. S.
Komosa, D. Naumann, T. Roy, J. E. Schirber, W. R. Bayless, and B. C.
Dodrill, Physica C 233, 1994.
New Insulating Layered Network 3D-Ferromagnets Composed of the Divalent Metal Perrhenates: Ni(ReO4)2, Cu(ReO4)2, and Mn(ReO4)2
W. M. Reiff, B. C. Dodrill, and C. C. Torardi, Proceedings of the IV Int.
Conf. On Molecule-Based Magnets, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals,
Gordon & Breach, 1994.
Neutron and Gamma Radiation Effects on Cryogenic Temperature Sensors
S. S. Courts, D. S. Holmes, P. R. Swinehart, and B. C. Dodrill,
“Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry,” Vol.
6, Part 2, 1992.
Cryogenic Thermometry—An Overview
S. S. Courts, D. S. Holmes, P. R. Swinehart, and B. C. Dodrill,
Applications of Cryogenic Technology, Vol. 10, Plenum Press, 1991.
Performance Characteristics of Silicon Diode Cryogenic Temperature Sensors
B. C. Dodrill, J. K. Krause, P. R. Swinehart, and V. Wang, Applications of Cryogenic Technology, Vol. 10, Plenum Press, 1991.
Measurement System Induced Errors in Diode Thermometry
J. K. Krause and B. C. Dodrill, Rev. of Sci. Inst., 57 (4), 1986.